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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  February 8, 2013 5:30am-6:00am EST

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3 &p3ffiday... february 8th, 2013 3& it's our free-brr-ary giveeway! giveaway!every day in february 33 an hour. houu. 3 óóóóóó you have 30 miiutes to
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call s at the nnmber on your screen. your prize rolls ooer into the next hour foo someooe else to win!3 box.. go o facebooo doo com & slash foxbaltimore and fill outtthe form..ou ccn also go - thhre to read complete contest 3 baatimmre county- hereford schools reeopeenng 2 hoorss 3 hours late.areeopening 2 counny sccools anddharford hereford zone... and harford county schools are oppning 22 hours laat.
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3 p,3&pa fight inside of a baltimore ccty high school ppts sttdent's mother behind barss we were tipped off abouttthe iicent by one of our viewerss viewers.megan gillilanddis here is with a ssory you're seeinn first on fox. good morning guys,this wasn't 3 iiside edmonson high chool.... pnvolving 15-20 peoppl... -3 people...including parents... students... and hapeppen round 2::0 wednessay afttrnoon and lasted early two hourr.sources say... it started with a ddsputeebetween aamale and female student. and pn the day of the fightttte male students' mother... -3 fftherr... anddsister.... entered the school unannnuncee
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3 safety... bbt when sheewaa fiihttng too.some tudents pay... security was no where po be seen. -3 (5:39)they wasn't alerted i guess ttey never showed up to the scene...(3:33)the lady -33 bang the girl in the facc for & rral they just started bakinn real...the mother has been -arrested.but school officials say this fighh is stilllunder investigation....- 3and that more arreett are ppnddig.i'm megan gilliland, ffx45 mooning news. 3 3 a hharing on governor o''alley's gun control ill ddaws crowds so bii... thaa many who wanted tootestify.. 3 phance.mmre than one thousand & people attenddd a rally protest the bll this week.but & because f the huge crowd...we'rr now hearing that police were forced to close the senate builddng.senate --3 president miie miller believes 3 aftee receiving aa uto-mated -
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robo-call from the nationall rrfle associaaioo. 3(miller) "if the robo-calls hadn't beennmade, everythingg would haveebeen fiie. but listen, it would havv been pinn, it oulldhave been finn if they came here to rally, so they had an opportunity to rrlly."(cooburn) "on the eastern hore, we believeeii that's why the people from the peatern shore made the trrp to annapolis, the hell with robocalls." robbcalls."some lawmakers say the earing n gun control bblls should have takknn lace overtwo days. 3 alsooin annaaolis....hereess another puuh tt an adults from smoking with children in -phe car.senator jennie porehand is spearheadiig tte & fight.she ays kids under age vunnrable.. a simmllr bill t ban drrvers from smoking in cars withhkids has been rejecced ii recent years. 3& a womannii in bigg troubleewith the law... affer - lling about hee baayybeing kidnapped. pidnapped. police say the 25-yearrood chicago mother reported her car wassstolln - with her 1-yyer-old inside. everaa fficers were on
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higg alert ooking for the phhld. turns oot....the car áwasááactually atthis ddycare. the & mother says she lied becausee she wanted policc to hhlp findd & charged with felony diiorderly aaman who ttied to ressue a 5-year-old child from an cy onddis deaa. itthappened at an apartment compplx in southeastt - ohio thursddy. 3 in the atee for about an hour and the child was stuck in thee icy lake for ooerran hourr he child is in critical condition. 3 a hhgh speed olice chhse in los angeles ends in &pfiery craahh p3 take a lookk - police say thhe wwre pursuing a suspected runk drrver with speeds reaching more than 00 miies er hour. that's whee the car skkdded -out of cootrol.... and sllmmed -3& into a guardrail.....busting into flames. the --33 suspect waa russed to tte hoopital. no word on -33 his condition. 3&p a mmn barrly escappe deathhafter a woman crashes hhe s-u-v into a cafe.
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cammra. hhe - partender ays he wassprepping - for the dinnerrcrowd....when into the front of thh 33 the barteeder....who makkssa suuden leeppover the counter. 3 onll suffered minoo cuus and bruisess no wwrd if hh ddiver willlreceive ay citations. p3 coming up on the earlyy ffar...(((jean) 12:34:555ooe thii glass onnthe ground and streww in my caa. car.a gang targeting a gang targeting women..he things they're trying to steal...and the 4 things youucan do... to avoid becoming their next 3 3 ((break 1))
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33 ((ad lib 3 meteorologgit)) p,3
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3 &p
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3& ((traffic reporter ad libs)) 3 map greenspping liberyt 40 map -&p 3 &p33 -3 3
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p, 3 3 cooing up... the ""elonyyllae gang"... targeeing women. 3 (jjan) 12:30:06 this is goiig -3 to e a lifelong battle ttat i 3 face. how they operate... -33 and the four things yoo an do... to avoii beccming a 3 3 the ravens are expected to be super bowl m-v-p joe flacco. -33&p what oes ii mean for the rest for thh rest of tte rosterr 3 ((break ))
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3 3& a few months ago, we began pn people here in maryland. their number one targgt? wooen.... specifically &pdistracttd mothers at area ppakk. joo lepola continuee to trackthese criiinals as she uncovers & thhy operate. operate. 3 ((pkg)) t s n baltimore's suburbss... often at rrgiinal parks even hikiig triall where & wommeare finddnggthe serentity
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of thier surroundings shattered.(jean) 12:34:55 i immediatell see this hole riggt in my window i see all this glass onnthe grouun and strrww n my car. jean's purse was gone. a rime coomitted in broad daylight, just feet from the park's entranne.... whhre eann -3 rodgers aad her children weree - playing. (jean) 12:31:11 i had my kids lunnh and aasocccr & thing i was worried about was myypurse.... i wass't worried here i waa eventhougg jeen didn't have cash in have a - wealth of personal needed o required tooenrol school.jjst moved here state.... her husband fox 45 morning nnws pnchor thomaa (jean) 12:30:06 thissis going to be a lifellng & attleethat i have tt wiihinnhours after the theft... a woman disguiseddas jean withdrew thousands of bann account. they've the elony lane gaag.a florida based migrated to maryland. (eddie hhrford county) --3 12:57:55 these are your mmney and your identity.county 3 actively investigating the &ptheir first case... suufaced in auuust of last yeaa.... and, several havv followed thefts from automobiies uncommon to have it was connectiig the dots as the -3 monnhs wenn oo.butt bitewent &ponndoos as the montts it was connecting the these sorts of & thefts but unnommon tt have all the time so it's not 12252:47 we hannle then. followed since seveeal have surraaed in august their fiist case... felonyylane department....aa county &psheriif's with the harford eddie hopkins issidentitt.your mooey and your thieves all they wann is (eddie hhrfood county))maryland.migrated to members have mmgrated too members have gang... whose a florida based gang... whose memberss ave migrated to counny) 12:57:55 these are phieves all they ant is our money aad your identity.
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3 ideetity.your money and your ttieves all theyywant is yoor mooey and your identity. -3 eddie hopkins is with thh agency that &pps aativelyyinveetigating the 3pirst case... ssrfaced in august of aat year.... and, several have followed since then.12:52:47 we handle thefts from automobiles aal tte timm ss it's not uncommonnto have these sorts of thefts buu it &pwas connectinggthe dott as the &pmonths went on.butttbite 12:53:00 we started seeing a &ppattern where we had parks ann rec facilltiee werr the areaa where these thefts oocured. &pbutt bite12:55:22 and of had the victims whose id'ss -3 were being stooen now disguising themselves o take
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& money out of their bank accounts by someone using their identity. thhs woman was ccught on surveillancc & cameras at bank in harforr poinggjust that... pollce say she's likely in a renttl car. and otice how she's in the lane ffuthess ????away fromm the teller... a lane known in the bankkng thh feeony lane.13:00:55 it 3 happens so quickly and honestly once it happens and the thief gets yoor mony their driving wittin a matter of 30 minutes they could be ell out of harford countyyand well on - their ay to beinn ouu of statt. our investigation hass found cases not only n & harford,,but anne arunnel, - montogomery and howarddand baltimore ccunties. ust last towson cashing checks stolen ffom womennin howard countyy in harford county... we found a bank" that's gone assfar s posting a fraud alert n its website to arn its customers. not only does it identify the gang as seeking oot local & viitiis... it explains how it's happening...and ways to ps place our purse n he trunkii possible just leave your credii cards and id at
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home.never llave youu car idling and unattenddd.and be 3 12:58:46 and your belief that the park ii a safe area we want it to be we certainly 33&pjust think thisswon't happen to ttee becauss t's a park. but it's that vuulerability hopkins ssys of beingg somewhere serene that these crimmnalsprey on. in harford ccuntyyjoy lepola fox 45 news at ten. 3 two months agg... 10 people... identified &pas embers of the "felony lane" gang were indicted.thhy faaed federaa charges in harrisbbrg... pennsylvania. 3 cooing up in thh six o'ccock hour... we''ll be drawing anotter name of aaother person who can winnsome cool cash. cash. and... christine delucry... you have lees than 10 minutes to claim yyur 100-dollarrprize. to get our name in the box.. go toofacebook dot om slaah foxballimore ann fill oou the oe flacco may be receiving some ig bucks during the off-sesaon. & but... wwll this mark he end
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of tth eddreeedarra inn - bbltimore? ozzie iin spoors.
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3 winning the superrbowl... does & have one disadvantage... getting behind the eight ball in free aaency.ravens g-m ozzie ewsome said that his organization is about 5 weeks the off season goes... but 3 morgaa adsit has mmre on the ravens' top prioritiis from yesterday's season previee prrssee. presssr.
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3 one of the mmst important moves he ravens made during -last year's off-season was pigninn free agent kick returrer jacoby jones.he got a -3 two-year, 7--illion dollar contracc... whiih is looking like a bargain after his performanceein thh super bowll when asked iffhe'd be -33 intteested in a long-term extension, jones said quote "i & wwnt to retire a raven". 3 with football over... ollege
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three... coach ark turgeon'ss & marylann erpsswere looking to turr things around last night - at virginia tech. pech..hh terps jumpeddout to & an early lead.thiss three-pointer from seth allen put maryland up.... 1 points. but the hokiessbattled back. eric green takes it down-court 3 basket and one.the team did end up holding ff virginia techhin the eed... winning 60--55 3 coming up in our 6 o'clock & hackees have hit the federal reserve's website. whht information was targeted.
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